Blog – 3 Column

Guidelines for Transfer Pricing related interests & spreads  applied in Zero Balancing Cash Pools – Part 1

Executive summary  A Zero Balancing structure mirrors the core activity of a bank. Therefore, managing a Zero Balance  Account (ZBA) structure requires a corporate treasury to operate an In-House Bank. This In-House Bank  must apply Arms-Length interest to balances in its In-House Bank accounts as well as to InterCompany  Lending and Depositing/Investing, both debit and…

The Importance of Data for Treasurers: Embracing the Era of “Treasury on-Demand”

In the rapidly changing landscape of finance, treasurers face a need for real-time information and efficient decision-making. To meet this demand, the concept of “treasury on-demand” has emerged, making it necessary for treasurers to dematerialize and digitize their operations to enhance resilience. In this digital era, data has become the lifeblood of effective treasury management,…

How to Start a Discussion on the Forum

How to Start a Discussion on the Forum

At the heart of our community lies a commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. Whether you’re a seasoned expert with years of experience under your belt or a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, your voice matters. Each member brings a unique perspective to the table, enriching our discussions and expanding our collective…

Embedded Finance to Embedded Treasury: Are Corporates Ready for the Transition?

This article is written by Kyriba Embedded finance is the practice of integrating financial services within non-financial platforms and services with the objective of delivering the financial service at the “point of need.” In the not-so-distant past, accessing financial services such as payments, lending, and investments required either a visit to the bank or a…

OECD BEPS and Transfer Pricing: Differentiating In-House Bank Interest Depending on Balance Sheet

When companies set up a Zero Balancing Cash Pools structures, tax authorities scrutinize in-house bank solutions and apply interest spreads. To support this, a number of countries are working together through the OECD organization. They aim to streamline economic market forces and have defined guidelines accordingly. This measure aims to prevent tax base erosion and…

A deep dive: Simplifying guarantee management for treasury & finance

This article is written by Nomentia Treasurers have a love-hate relationship with guarantees. While they are usually not a big concern as long as there are few, managing hundreds or even thousands of various types of guarantees across different entities, guarantors, beneficiaries, countries, and therefore languages and jurisdictions can be a nightmare, especially without the…

Treasury Mastermind Feature: Contact a Member

Treasury Mastermind Feature: Contact a Member

At Treasury Mastermind, we’re dedicated to continually improving the user experience and strengthening the bonds within our community. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the rollout of an exciting new feature: private messaging. As we embark on this journey to enhance community engagement, it’s essential to understand the significance of facilitating private communication among our…

Security in Finance for 2024 in a Transformed Banking Landscape

Security in Finance for 2024 in a Transformed Banking Landscape

This article is written by Cobase As the corporate finance landscape undergoes rapid transformation in 2024, businesses find themselves at the intersection of innovation and vulnerability. The dispersed banking model, characterized by digital transactions and decentralized operations, poses unique security challenges that necessitate a forward-thinking approach. This shift, while primarily driven by digitalization, also sees…

The Risks of Not Adopting a Treasury Management System

The Risks of Not Adopting a Treasury Management System

This article is written by Kyriba When evaluating the implementation of a treasury management system (TMS), there will always be the inevitable question of why? Each company has processes in place that have worked up until now, so why should we fix what isn’t broken today? Although current processes have worked in the past, there are many risks associated…