Blog – 3 Column

FX Averaging: Pros and cons for your currency hedging

FX Averaging: Pros and cons for your currency hedging

This article is written by HedgeFlows FX Averaging helps remove the risk of picking the wrong timing for your FX transactions.  Instead of risking the uncertainty of selecting the wrong day or time for your currency purchase, where you may encounter an unfavourable exchange rate, FX averaging breaks down the transaction into smaller increments, spreading…

Treasury for Non-Treasurers: Is Treasury a Strategic Function?

Treasury for Non-Treasurers: Is Treasury a Strategic Function?

We closed last week with the question: “Is Treasury a strategic function?” Ask 1,000 treasurers the question, 999 will say “Yes”. 🙄 I’m being unkind. There is no agreed definition of ‘strategic,’ so every function is strategic in some way or another. Let’s tighten that up. Here’s my definition: “A strategic Treasury: 1. Is one…

Treasury expert’s insights: Payment hub implementation

Treasury expert’s insights: Payment hub implementation

This article is written by Nomentia Summary. A payment hub solution is a key technology to centralized cash management. Fragmented payment systems, manual payment processes, and the lack of real-time cash flow visibility pose significant challenges that can quickly lead to inefficiencies and risk management issues. In this article, based on our chat with treasury expert Pia…

Understanding Project Nexus: The Future of Cross-Border Payments

Understanding Project Nexus: The Future of Cross-Border Payments

In an increasingly interconnected global economy, the need for efficient, secure, and cost-effective cross-border payment systems has never been more pressing. Enter Project Nexus, an initiative spearheaded by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) with the ambitious goal of revolutionizing the way cross-border payments are conducted. As treasury professionals, it’s crucial to stay informed about…

A Slightly Contrarian View On Cash Flow Forecasting Accuracy

A Slightly Contrarian View On Cash Flow Forecasting Accuracy

This article is written by Kantox Time after time, FX management surveys confirm treasurers’ concerns with the degree of accuracy in their cash flow forecasts. In our own sample measurement, this concern is given more weight than potential episodes of high FX volatility or shifting interest rate differentials between currencies. Worries about cash flow forecast accuracy…

Treasury for Non-Treasurers: What is Treasury?

Treasury for Non-Treasurers: What is Treasury?

Treasury for Non-Treasurers: Article 1 – What is Treasury? Summary: 4 pillars, simple but with massive implications.

Organizations Shift Deposits to Large Banks Amid Economic Uncertainty

Organizations Shift Deposits to Large Banks Amid Economic Uncertainty

In a proactive response to the challenging economic environment, 45% of organizations have moved their deposits to large banks, according to the 2024 AFP Liquidity Survey. This strategic shift aims to enhance financial security by leveraging the stability of systemically important financial institutions. Additionally, 35% of organizations diversified their deposits among multiple banks to mitigate…

Decoding the Impact of ChatGPT for Treasury

Decoding the Impact of ChatGPT for Treasury

This article is written by Kyriba Generative AI, represented by groundbreaking models like ChatGPT, is poised to revolutionize treasury management. However, its integration brings forth a spectrum of implications, from promising opportunities to potential risks. We highlight the potential benefits and risks associated with integrating generative AI in treasury and finance operations. Exploring Generative AI…

HSBC Partners with Visa to Develop Zing International Money App

HSBC Partners with Visa to Develop Zing International Money App

In a significant move towards enhancing digital financial services, HSBC has teamed up with Visa to launch the Zing international money app. This collaboration marks a strategic effort by both financial giants to simplify and innovate cross-border transactions for consumers globally. Streamlining Cross-Border Payments The Zing app aims to streamline the often complex and time-consuming…