How are you approaching this ?
To me it seems like the biggest project in a long time … reason being we have 1 SAP ERP instance (and noTMS) we utilize for all our IHB and Cash management (payments and reporting).
Currently the communication with the banks for Treasury wires is from SAP to SWIFT to our banks with MT101 (so needs to switch to XML), then we also have 1 bank for which we communicate with V2 XML (which is going to be de-commissioned with our clear end date), and the rest of all vendor payment is already on XML V3.
XML V3 and V9 seem to be the new standard for payments. Do we move already to V9 or stick to V3 ?
Then on the statement side, again a mix of MT940’s and BAI2 formats… and we have no CAMT setup yet.
Banks say they will continue to offer MT but what if XML payments give more structured data but your MT statements are being converted/truncated to continue to make them work.. should we not focus on CAMT as well for our statements ?
Just hoping to hear some insights on your project approach ? Or if you have no issue with it, because you use a TMS which will take care of all the conversions ?