Blog – 3 Column

Key Performance Indicators for Corporate Treasury

Key Performance Indicators for Corporate Treasury

Corporate Treasury is a critical function within an organization, responsible for managing cash flow, risk, financing, and forecasting. To ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of these operations, it is essential to monitor specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This article outlines the most important KPIs for each of the four pillars of Corporate Treasury: Cash Management,…

Choosing the Right Financial Strategy: Intercompany Netting Vs. In-House Banking

Choosing the Right Financial Strategy: Intercompany Netting Vs. In-House Banking

This article is written by GPS Capital Markets If you seek to optimize your organization’s financial obligations across subsidiary entities, understanding the concept of intercompany netting is essential. This method involves offsetting mutual payables and receivables among different entities within the same group, aiming to minimize the actual funds transferred between parties. When you master…

Benchmarking Your Treasury Department: A Strategic Approach

Benchmarking Your Treasury Department: A Strategic Approach

In the complex world of corporate finance, maintaining an efficient and effective treasury department is crucial. Benchmarking your treasury operations against industry standards and best practices can provide valuable insights into improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing overall performance. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to benchmark your treasury department effectively. 1. Identify Benchmarking Objectives…

BEC: A Cybersecurity Challenge for Businesses

BEC: A Cybersecurity Challenge for Businesses

This article is written by Trustpair In 2023, it was revealed that an investment firm in Boston lost $1.25 million in a business email compromise (BEC) cybersecurity scam. Using a spoofed domain name, fraudsters impersonated directors and instructed a financial company to misdirect funds from the victim company’s account to a bank account controlled by the scammers. BEC in…

Intercompany Transactions Guide: Meaning, Management & Strategies

Intercompany Transactions Guide: Meaning, Management & Strategies

This article is written by Nomentia Intercompany (IC) transactions (or intra-group transactions) are heavily used in the operations of multinational corporations, where financial exchanges between entities within the same corporate group occur frequently. While these transactions offer operational flexibility and efficiency, they also present unique challenges in terms of efficient accounting processes, compliance, and financial…

The Hidden Costs of Not Having a Treasurer: A Risky Oversight

The Hidden Costs of Not Having a Treasurer: A Risky Oversight

In the realm of corporate finance, the treasury function is often viewed as a cost center, primarily because the salaries of treasurers and treasury teams represent a direct expense on the company’s financial statements. Unlike profit-generating departments, a treasury does not directly contribute to the company’s bottom line. However, this perspective overlooks a crucial aspect:…

The Different Types of Treasury Support: Comparing Interim, Fractional, and Consultancy Roles

The Different Types of Treasury Support: Comparing Interim, Fractional, and Consultancy Roles

In the evolving landscape of corporate finance, companies often need specialized financial leadership but may not require or cannot afford full-time executives. This is where roles like interim treasurer, fractional treasurer, and treasury consultant come into play. Each brings a unique set of skills and functions tailored to the needs of the organization. Let’s explore…

Should You Ignore FX Forecasts?

Should You Ignore FX Forecasts?

In our recent webinar, we delved into the often-debated topic of the accuracy of FX forecasts. The discussion was illuminating, providing a mix of critical analysis and practical advice for businesses navigating the complex world of foreign exchange. Here are the key takeaways from the session. The Reliability of FX Forecasts One of the central…

Exploring FX Derivatives: Forwards vs Futures

Exploring FX Derivatives: Forwards vs Futures

This article is written by Kantox In a previous blog, we discussed the differences between currency forwards and currency options. We argued that automation technology is tilting the debate in favour of currency forwards. Today we tackle the more subtle, yet important differences between a forward contract vs a future contract. As companies look to manage foreign exchange…