The difference between Treasury bill and corporate bond

As a business owner or investor, navigating the world of finance can be tricky. Understanding different investment options is crucial for making informed decisions. Today, let’s delve into two common debt instruments: the difference between Treasury bill and corporate bond.

Almost everyone needs a loan. Even the government and big corporations need one too. But when they need one, they do it in different ways. While the government collects loans from the public through Treasury bills (T-bills), big corporations do so in the form of bonds.

Corporate Treasury: What is it all about, and what do you need to know?

Now let’s take a deeper look into Treasury bills and corporate bonds.

difference between Treasury bill and corporate bond_Treasurymastermind

What are Treasury Bills? 

1. Issuer

Treasury bills are issued by the government. Consequently, as the issuer, the government provides a high level of security for investors. Moreover, the full faith and credit of the government backs T-bills, making them virtually risk-free. Consequently, this implies that the government is steadfastly committed to repaying the principal amount at maturity

2. Risk-Free Nature

Due to the government’s backing, T-bills are considered one of the safest investments available. Investors are highly confident in receiving the principal amount at maturity, which makes T-bills a preferred choice for those seeking capital preservation and a low-risk investment.

3. Maturity and Discount Mechanism

T-bills have short maturities, ranging from a few days to one year. Consequently, they are sold at a discount to their face value, and the difference between the purchase price and the face value represents the interest earned by the investor. This discount mechanism allows T-bills to effectively generate returns without the need for periodic interest payments.

4. Liquidity and Marketability

T-bills are highly liquid instruments. They can be easily bought and sold in the secondary market before their maturity date. The high liquidity is attributed to the confidence investors have in the stability of the government, making T-bills an attractive short-term investment option.

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How Treasury Bills Work

Let’s dissect the example of buying a 6-month T-bills with a face value of $100 each to paint a clearer picture about difference between treasury bill and corporate

1. Auction Process

Let’s say the government is auctioning off 6-month T-bills with a face value of $100 each. Instead of directly offering them $100, the government invites bids from investors. Investors submit bids, essentially stating the price they’re willing to pay for the $100 bill at maturity. The lowest accepted bid determines the “discount rate” for the auction.

2. Your Winning Bid

In this example, let’s say your bid of $98 was one of the lowest accepted. This means you “bought” the T-bill for $98, not the full $100. You’re essentially saying to the government, “I’ll give you $98 now, and in 6 months, you’ll give me back the $100.”

3. “Interest” Earned

Your “interest” doesn’t come from traditional coupon payments. Instead, it’s embedded in the discount you receive at purchase. The difference between the face value ($100) and the price you paid ($98) represents your “implicit” interest. In this case, it’s $2.

4. Maturity and Payout

After 6 months, your T-bill matures. On that date, the government automatically pays you back the full $100 face value, regardless of what you initially paid. You get back your $98 investment plus the $2 “interest” earned.

5. Annualized Yield

To understand your return on investment (ROI) for a short-term security like a T-bill, you need to annualize the yield. In this case, your $2 profit on a $98 investment over 6 months translates to a 4.08% annualized yield (2/98 * 4).


This example is simplified for illustration purposes. T-bill auctions involve complex bidding strategies and interest rate dynamics. Always research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

What are Corporate Bonds?

1. Issuer and Credit Risk

Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise funds for various purposes, such as expansion, debt refinancing, or other business needs. Unlike T-bills, the risk associated with corporate bonds is not uniform. It depends on the creditworthiness of the issuing company. Companies with higher credit ratings are considered more financially stable and, therefore, lower-risk.

2. Maturity and Coupon Payments

Corporate bonds can have varying maturities, ranging from a few years to several decades. In addition, they pay periodic interest, known as coupon payments, typically semi-annually. Furthermore, the coupon rate is predetermined and expressed as a percentage of the bond’s face value Investors receive these interest payments until the bond matures, at which point they also receive the face value.

3. Risk and Return Trade-Off

The risk-return profile of corporate bonds is influenced by the issuing company’s credit rating. Higher-risk bonds (issued by less creditworthy companies) usually offer higher coupon rates to compensate investors for taking on additional risk. Conversely, lower-risk bonds (issued by financially stable companies) may have lower coupon rates.

4. Diversity of Corporate Bonds

Corporate bonds come in various types, including investment-grade bonds and high-yield bonds (junk bonds). Investment-grade bonds are issued by financially stable companies, while high-yield bonds are issued by companies with lower credit ratings. This diversity allows investors to choose bonds that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.

How Corporate Bonds Work

Let’s dissect the example of buying a 5-year bond with a 4% coupon rate from, say, Company A to paint a clearer picture about difference between treasury bill and corporate bond

1. Initial Investment

Assuming you invest $1,000 to purchase the bond, this is your initial capital that Company A borrows from you.

2. Coupon Rate and Interest Payments

The 4% coupon rate signifies that Company A promises to pay you 4% of the bond’s face value (in this case, $1,000) every six months for the five-year duration. This translates to $20 in interest payments every six months ($1,000 * 4% / 2). So, you’d receive $40 in interest payments annually

3. Understanding the mechanics

These interest payments are not “free money.” Instead, Company A generates revenue from its business operations, and a portion of that goes towards servicing its debt, including your bond. In essence, think of it as Company A renting your money for five years and paying you “rent” in the form of interest payments.

4. Bond Maturity and Payout

After five years, the bond matures, and Company A is obligated to repay your initial investment of $1,000. Consequently, this repayment, along with the accumulated interest payments, represents your total return on investmen

5. Potential Risks

Unlike T-bills, corporate bonds come with inherent credit risk. There’s a chance that Company A could face financial difficulties and default on its debt; consequently, you might not receive your full investment back. To evaluate this risk, credit rating agencies assess companies and assign credit ratings. Importantly, a higher rating indicates a lower risk of default.

6. Market Fluctuations

Bond prices can fluctuate in the secondary market before maturity. This means you might sell your bond before maturity at a price higher or lower than your initial investment, depending on market conditions and interest rates.


This is a simplified example, and bond investments involve complex factors like amortization, call provisions, and market dynamics. Always conduct thorough research and consult a financial advisor before making investment decisions, especially those involving corporate bonds.

Key Difference Between Treasury Bill and Corporate Bond

FeatureTreasury BillsCorporate Bonds
MaturityLess than 1 year2 years or more
InterestDiscounted priceCoupon payments
RiskVery low (government guarantee)Higher (company-specific risk)
Example6-month T-bill5-year Company bond

In summary, the key difference between a Treasury bill and a corporate bond is that T-bills are short-term, low-risk investments backed by the government, whereas corporate bonds offer a variety of risk profiles based on the creditworthiness of the issuing company. Consequently, understanding these nuanced differences helps investors build a well-balanced portfolio tailored to their risk preferences and financial objectives.

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December 19, 2023

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